Pigini Super Varieté
Knopaccordeon - standard bass
Instrument Specificaties:
- Treble Rows: 5
- Treble Buttons: 92
- Treble Notes: 55
- Bass Buttons: 120
- Treble Note Range: A-sharp to E
- Treble Reed Sets: 4
- Bass Reed Sets: 5
- Tone Chamber/Cassotto: Double
- Treble Register Switches: 15 + 3 chin switches
- Bass Register Switches: 5
- Keyboard Length: 43 cm
- Instrument Weight: 12 kg
Geïnteresseerd in dit instrument?
Bel ons gewoon : 0032 (0) 475 412 114 of 0032 (0)9 348 55 08
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