Bugari Opera Omnia
Rows (right hand) 5
Buttons (right hand) 106
Notes (right hand) 64 MI-SOL
Chorus (right hand) 4
Cassotto (right hand) 2
Registers (right hand) 15
Chin Registers (right hand) 8
Notes (left hand - free bass) 58 MI-DO≠
Chorus (left hand - free bass) 2:16+16 - 2:16+8
Registers (left hand - free bass) 3
Basses (left hand - standard bass) 120
Chorus (left hand - standard bass) 6
Registers (left hand - standard bass) 6+R+1C
Length 46,5
Width 22,8
Height 45,5
Weight (kg) 14,1
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